Introducing the HushBox . Its a project I started to mine bitcoin in my home. I wanted to be able to use an industry standard miner like in this example a bitmain s19xp and tame its ferocious roar.


Custom Design

Imagination is key, if you can think of it we can probably make it. Bespoke to any scenario

We Think Along

We use our experience and expertise to create a plan to manufacture exactly what you need

Tick Tock

Next Block. Bitcoin only, pay for materials, pay our staff, sell our products

hushbox outside

Taste the atmoshpere at Hushbox

Hushbox is an ethusiastic, self sovereign startup, trying to prove itself in a bitcoin only world. We are maxis dedicated to changing the world.

Education is important, but so is opportunity.

All our tentacle sleeves are knitted by grans for sats

Prototypes made so far

Hushbox Mrk2

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